ArticlesBioPharmaRegulatory July 15, 2015 Robust Optimization, Simulation, and Effective Design Space Developing product knowledge and process understanding is at the heart of modern drug... admin-element
ArticlesDownstreamRegulatoryUpstream June 4, 2015 Host-Cell Protein Measurement and Control Host-cell proteins (HCPs) constitute a major part of process-related impurities during biologics... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaDownstreamRegulatory May 1, 2015 Modular Manufacturing Platforms for Biologics It should come as no surprise that the good design principles governing pharmaceutical manufacturing… admin-element
ArticlesRegulatory April 8, 2015 USP Publishes Monoclonal Antibody Guidelines As FDA gears up towards approving biosimilar drugs in the United States, it is unquestionable... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaDownstreamRegulatoryUpstream April 8, 2015 Continuous Manufacturing: A Changing Processing Paradigm Although continuous manufacturing is well established for bulk chemicals, complex automation and... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaDownstreamRegulatoryUpstream April 6, 2015 Use of Multivariate Data Analysis in Bioprocessing The ever increasing demand of biotherapeutics, together with the pressure to contain healthcare... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaRegulatory March 26, 2015 Detecting Protein Aggregates and Evaluating their Immunogenicity Aggregation in biopharmaceuticals remains a major concern and threatens the stability of a product. admin-element
ArticlesRegulatory November 12, 2014 Setting Standards for Biotech Therapeutics in India The past decade has seen considerable growth in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. India has... admin-element
ArticlesDownstreamRegulatoryUpstream November 1, 2014 Viral Clearance Challenges in Bioprocessing Removal and inactivation of adventitious and endogenous viruses have traditionally been achieved... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaRegulatory October 29, 2014 Continued Process Verification for Biopharma Manufacturing Continued process verification (CPV) is the activity that provides ongoing verification of the... admin-element