The flexibility in adding extra amino acids upstream of Cytiva™ Protein Select™ tag can facilitate detection, purification, analysis, or solubility.
Cytiva™ Protein Select™ tag is a 36-amino acid self-cleaving tag that enables the affinity chromatography purification of recombinant proteins using Cytiva™ Protein Select™ resin.
During an affinity step performed with Cytiva™ Protein Select™ resin, the protein self-cleaves from the tag and elutes with no residual tag amino acids. The cleavage site is located between the last amino acid of the tag and the first amino acid of the target protein.
Extra amino acids such as signal peptides or additional tags can be placed upstream of the Cytiva™ Protein Select™ tag to facilitate your work during and after protein expression. After the purification with Cytiva™ Protein Select™ resin, you will still benefit from the Cytiva™ Protein Select™ technology and obtain a native protein with no remaining tag amino acids.
Here we discuss how to design the construct with extra amino acids to:
- Control protein secretion and translocation.
- Improve purity and/or to concentrate your sample.
- Facilitate protein detection or analysis.
- Increase stability towards proteolytic activity.
- Increase protein solubility.