DownstreamMultimedia June 6, 2019 Tips for High Resolution Ion Exchange Chromatography to Obtain a Pure Protein A high-resolution ion exchange chromatography run is key for obtaining high protein purity. The... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaDownstreamUpstream May 9, 2019 Single-Use for Downstream Chromatography: Benefit or Hindrance? Biopharmaceutical manufacturers have embraced the use of single-use technology upstream, but are... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaDownstreamUpstream February 28, 2019 Bispecific Antibody Purification: Insights and Case Studies New modalities, like bispecific antibodies, present unique challenges compared to mAb production. admin-element
Articles September 27, 2018 How to Determine Dynamic Binding Capacity (DBC) of Chromatography Resins In protein purification, dynamic binding capacity (DBC) of a chromatography column describes the... admin-element
Multimedia July 25, 2018 Selection Guide: Columns and Resins for Antibody Purification and Immunoprecipitation Polyclonal antibodies, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), and antibody fragments are usually purified... admin-element
ArticlesDownstream July 2, 2018 Developing an Efficient Adenovirus Downstream Purification Process Adenovirus is one of the most frequently used viral vectors in the development of therapeutic... admin-element
Articles May 24, 2018 Chromatography Scale-Up: Don’t Get Tied Down by Bed Height When scaling, you can make better use of existing chromatography columns while avoiding overcapacity. admin-element
ArticlesMultimedia May 24, 2018 Cleaning Protein A Resins with 1 M NaOH With increasing mAb titers, the impurity level of the cell culture feed increases. If not… admin-element
Articles May 9, 2018 Capacity and Performance of a Next Generation Protein A Chromatography Resin MabSelect™ PrismA is a protein A resin of which both the ligand and the base… admin-element
Multimedia November 17, 2017 Handbook: Design of Experiments in Protein Production and Purification Design of experiments (DoE) is a technique for planning experiments and analyzing the information... admin-element