Articles May 24, 2018 Chromatography Scale-Up: Don’t Get Tied Down by Bed Height When scaling, you can make better use of existing chromatography columns while avoiding overcapacity. admin-element
ArticlesMultimedia May 24, 2018 Cleaning Protein A Resins with 1 M NaOH With increasing mAb titers, the impurity level of the cell culture feed increases. If not… admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaRegulatory November 16, 2017 Evaluating Surface Cleanliness Using a Risk-Based Approach Regulated companies that use automated cleaning applications have always struggled with correlating... admin-element
ArticlesRegulatory August 13, 2015 Cleaning of Dedicated Equipment: Why Validation is Needed Cleaning of pharmaceutical equipment is essential to reduce the risk of product contamination and... admin-element
ArticlesDownstream April 8, 2015 Re-use of Protein A Resin: Fouling and Economics In the past two decades, Protein A affinity chromatography has remained the de facto capture… admin-element
ArticlesDownstreamRegulatoryUpstream January 13, 2014 PDA’s Technical Report for Biotech Cleaning Validation Cleaning validation plays an important role in reducing the possibility of product contamination... admin-element