ArticlesDownstreamUpstream September 9, 2021 Antibody Production Workflow Antibody-based therapies have evolved beyond monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to include bispecific... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaDownstreamRegulatoryUpstream August 30, 2021 Cell-free Expression Systems Pose Cell Culture Alternative Among the challenges in upstream bioprocessing is the cellular waste generated as a by-product... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaDownstreamUpstream August 30, 2021 Single-Use Technologies Prove Effective for Viral Vector Process Development Upstream viral-vector processes can have significant impacts on downstream purification requirements. The presence... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaDownstreamRegulatoryUpstream January 14, 2021 Updating Viral Clearance for New Biologic Modalities Viral clearance processes and guidance must evolve along with newer biotherapeutic modalities. admin-element
ArticlesDownstreamUpstream July 30, 2020 Lentiviral Vector Upstream Process in Single-use Bioreactors Lentiviruses exhibit many desirable properties as gene transfer vehicles, such as high transduction... admin-element
ArticlesDownstreamUpstream March 12, 2020 Improving Upstream Predictability In the earliest days of biotech, developers often struggled to sustain conditions that would... admin-element
ArticlesBioPharmaDownstreamUpstream February 27, 2020 Maximizing the Effectiveness of Upstream Bioprocessing Through the Combination of Lab Informatics and Instrumentation The biopharmaceutical market continues to expand at a rapid pace and the demand for upstream... admin-element
ArticlesUpstream January 30, 2020 Fortem: One Film for Single-Use Bioprocessing Single-use technology has been transforming the modern biomanufacturing workflow. Single-use... admin-element
ArticlesDownstreamUpstream October 24, 2019 Next Generation Bioprocesses: Mapping Roads to the Future Increased productivity demand and a diversifying clinical drug pipeline have pushed the industry... admin-element
ArticlesUpstream May 9, 2019 What’s New in Upstream Technologies Recent upstream processing innovations include enhanced sensor technology, single-use bioreactors admin-element