Search results for " protein L" in Articles / App Notes

Article Typical Purification Protocols to Obtain the Right Purity and Yield
Download the guide >> So how do you best combine chromatography techniques to obtain the right purity and yield of your protein? Our free digital guide helps you effectively combine the main chro…

Article Developing a Closed, Connected Single-Use mAb Purification Process
Click here >> Learn more on this case study to set up a closed and connected single-use monoclonal antibody (mAb) purification process that addresses a perfusion upstream process. In the Pr…

Article Manage HCPs and Enhance Your Route to Market
Click here to read more >> Host cell protein (HCP) management is critical to biologics development—and getting it wrong could delay your development cycle. Learn how the right HCP strategy can e…

Article Platform for Purification of VHH-type Antibody Fragments
Click here to read this poster >> Protein A affinity chromatography resins have been used to purify monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) by the bioprocess industry at all scales for a long time. Howev…

Article Next Generation Process Chromatography
Chromatography is an essential part in the production of all biopharmaceuticals. Without it the industry would not be able to produce therapeutics in an economic manner. This is true for monoclonal …

Article Driving Improved Access to Biosimilars
Driving Improved Access to Biosimilars New guidance from FDA, including standards for interchangeability, is expected to speed development of biosimilars, but experts warn against oversimplifying ri…

Article Design Considerations for a Commercial Cell and Gene Therapy Facility
The commercialization of cell and gene therapies has become a reality, prompting deeper considerations of logistics, technology, and design for manufacturing facilities. By Feliza Mirasol …

Article Selectivity in Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC): It’s Much More than Average Pore Diameter (Å)
Describing the pore of a size exclusion chromatography resin with a single number such as average pore diameter is an oversimplification. The formation of pores is dependent on complex combinations of…

Article New Selection Guide: Ion Exchange Chromatography Columns and Resins
Use these decision trees to find the most appropriate resin for your needs. Download

Article Analytical SEC: How Does Back Pressure Relate to Resolution?
High resolution in HPLC is not achieved by applying back pressure to the column. Let’s straighten out what really helps you achieve high-resolution analytical SEC data. Read paper

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